Welcome to APA Logbook Parser’s documentation

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apa-logbook-parser is a tool to transform the XML version of the APA Logbook to other formats.

  1. Go to https://tasc.alliedpilots.org/LogData/LogView.aspx and export/download your logbook in XML format.

  2. try apa-logbook-parser parse [path to XML file] [output directory]

This should output a number of files, including:

  • a formatted version of the original XML data file for easier reference.

  • a json file containing the raw parsed data.

  • a json file containing a flattened version of the raw parsed data.

  • a csv file containing a flattened version of the raw parsed data.

  • a json file containing an expanded version of the parsed data.

  • a json file containing a flattened expanded version of the parsed data.

  • a csv file containing the flattened expanded version of the parsed data.

Most people will only use the csv version of the expanded logbook for import into a spreadsheet. The other formats are included for easier error diagnosis, and future uses.

The expanded format transforms the original data to include:

  • departure and arrival times in both local and utc

  • timezone names for each station

  • durations in 00:00:00 (HH:MM:SS) format for ease of use in spreadsheets.

  • a row number based on the order of flights found in the source XML file.

  • A unique identifier (UUID) based on the original data parsed for each flight.

    • This id -should- remain unique through different downloads of a logbook, so long as APAs data does not change.

The data available is limited by the source data. There is no way to determine actual duty in, duty out, or layover location from the data provided by APA.


This program has been tested with python version 3.10 and later. To check your python version try typing this in a terminal.

python --version

# or

python3 --version

You should see something like this:

Python 3.10.6

If you do not have at least Python 3.10 installed, follow these instructions to install/update python on your computer: https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download


You can install apa-logbook-parser via pip from PyPI:

pip install apa-logbook-parser


Please see the [documentation] for details.


Contributions are very welcome. To learn more, see the [Contributor Guide].


Distributed under the terms of the [MIT license][license], apa-logbook-parser is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.


This project was generated from DonalChilde’s cookiecutter-python-base template, which was inspired by @cjolowicz’s Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter template.